How to decide which social media network to use

Many businesses are understandably overwhelmed by which social media networks to use.
We’ve talked in the past about how to use social media and that it’s most important to just focus on the best social media network for your target audience.
Here to help you decide which social media network to use, is an overview of the main social media networks and the demographics of social media users for each network.
There is quite a bit of information here on each network, but it’s designed to give you enough information about each platform, so you can make an informed decision about where to focus your efforts. 
Firstly here are some interesting facts about Australian social media users from the Yellow Pages Social Media Report.
  • Younger age groups have a stronger preference for networks such as Instagram and Snapchat, especially as older age groups and parents become active on other networks such as Facebook
  • 37% of social media users check networks first thing in the morning and 42% just before bed, particularly women
  • Men are most likely to check social media during work (mainly during breaks) and in the evening
  • 16% use social media while commuting
  • 67% check social media on a smartphone, 64% on a laptop, 46% on a desktop, 35% on a tablet
  • 6% check social media while on the toilet!
  • 66% check social media in the loungeroom
  • >40% use social media while watching TV, particularly women and younger age groups and mainly while watching reality TV. Many of them also comment on social media about the the TV they are watching at the same time.
  • The primary reason for using social media is to catch up with friends and family
  • Only 25% of users use social media to follow brands or business or to get discounts or giveaways
  • >50% claim they take no notice of ads on social media
  • 84% ignore sponsored posts from businesses they don’t follow
  • 74% of users have or do read reviews to help make a purchase decision. These people read an average of four reviews before making a purchase decision.

So here is an overview of the networks and who is using each of them. We have also provided post ideas for a sample cat grooming and breeding business to illustrate how to use each network.
Facebook can be likened to a journal. If you only want to be active on one social media network, Facebook is the best choice for most businesses (though this can change for some businesses depending on their industry and target market).
Users create a personal profile, add other users as friends, exchange messages and photographs and receive automatic notifications when their friends update their profiles. Businesses can create company ‘pages’ that Facebook users can ‘like’, which means they will receive notifications of any updates to the company page. Updates appear on users’ newsfeed. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organised by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics.
User demographics
  • 95% of users of social media use Facebook*
  • Slightly preferred by females*
  • 99% of 20-39-year-old social media users, use Facebook*
  • Lowest user age groups are 14-19 year-olds and 65+*
  • While young users have Facebook accounts they are becoming less active on this site
  • 18% of social media users stopped using Facebook in the last year. Only Twitter had more users turn away (45%)*
  • Users are spread almost equally across metropolitan and regional areas*
  • Users check their account on average 24 times a week (increased from 21 in 2012).*
Industry/business types
Facebook suits pretty much every type of industry and business, though fashion/clothing and sporting clubs represent a total of 65% of the brands/businesses followed on Facebook. It suits fast moving consumer goods.
How to use it
Businesses need to create a Facebook ‘page’. They need to be careful they are not creating a ‘personal’ profile, as this will limit functionality and ability of any users wanting to like your page.
Aim to update it around once a day. Frequency will depend on how engaged your audience is and when they are most likely to check Facebook. You can get a feel for the best times to post by checking your engagement statistics available via Facebook’s built-in analytics (it appears on the Admin panel on Facebook Pages).
The cat post
Here is a happy snap of my cat; Here is a picture of a cat groomed for cat show; Here is a touching story about a cat who saved his owner from a house fire; Here is a link to a funny cat video; Here is a funny cat picture; One day only 50% off voucher on cat products at our store
Twitter users share ‘tweets’ or updates/comments/insights or links to other web content in 140 characters or less. You can also upload photos. It is immediate, real time news and opinions.
Users can follow other users if they want to be notified of updates in their Twitter feed. Users can ‘retweet’ content they like.
Hashtags are used to categorise content using keywords or trending topics.
User demographics
  • 15.5% of users of social media use Twitter*
  • Preferred by males*
  • Majority of users aged 20-64 (40-49 is the largest user group)*
  • Predominately used in metropolitan areas*
  • A whopping 45% of people, who stopped using some social media in past year, stopped using Twitter*
  • Users check their Twitter on average 13 times a week (down from 23 in 2012)*
Industry/business types
Twitter is very popular with celebrities, politicians and big brands. The most followed brands/businesses on Twitter are sporting clubs and electronics/technology. However it can suit most businesses and industries as long as you are prepared to stay active on it.
How to use it
Due to the immediacy of twitter, prolific users may update several times a day or several times an hour. Brands that want to appear at the top of a newsfeed may re-post the same content over and over again. It is much better to tweak any content before re-posting. Try and establish when the best time of day for your business is to tweet. Do this by checking when people are engaging the most with your content.
Use hashtags for popular topics or trends but don’t overuse them.
The cat post
#my cat; link to newstory about cat that saves owner from burning house; funny quote about cats; short comment and/or link to laws requiring cats to be registered with local council; comment on cat story on #Bondi Vet TV show
In many ways LinkedIn can be likened to an online resume. Users create a personal profile listing their current and past jobs, experience, skills and achievements. You ‘connect’ with other users and can endorse users for particular skills. You can also recommend or give a testimonial for users. Businesses can create company pages that other users can follow. You can also join groups where topics can be posted and you can join the discussion. Many jobs are posted on LinkedIn and companies have been known to recruit via LinkedIn by searching for users with particular experience or skills sets.
User demographics
  • 20% of users of social media use LinkedIn*
  • Preferred by males*
  • Largely higher educated and higher income users
  • Majority of users aged 20-64 (40-49 is the largest user group)*
  • Predominately used in metropolitan areas*
  • Users check their LinkedIn on average 8 times a week (up from 5 in 2012)*
Industry/business types
Predominately used by white-collar professionals. It is an important tool for any business that relies heavily on networking and cross-industry contacts.
How to use it
Ensure your personal profile and company page are kept up-to-date at all times. Endorse the skills of ‘connections’ with the hope they will endorse you back. Post updates such as links to relevant industry news, reposts to other people’s content or you own comments. Nominate topics for discussion and participate in discussion where you can add value. You want to be perceived as being an expert in your field.
Post updates on average 1-3 times a week. Don’t overdo your posts as you don’t want to clog up your connections inbox; many of your connections are likely to be very, very busy people.
Only make connections with people who you genuinely want to connect with. It should be a mutually beneficial connection. Don’t just connect with strangers to boost your connection number.
The cat post
My skills include: grooming cats, animal welfare, breeding cats; Join a cat breeding association group and participate in discussions; Follow relevant industry company pages; Here is a link to a story on requirements for cat registration.
Instagram is an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. A distinctive feature is that it confines photos to a square shape, similar to Kodak Instamatic and Polaroid images, in contrast to the 16:9 aspect ratio now typically used by mobile device cameras. Users are also able to record and share short videos lasting for up to 15 seconds.

The service was acquired by Facebook in April 2012.  In 2013, Instagram grew by 23%, while Facebook, as the mother company, only grew by 3%.

User demographics
  • 16% of users of social media use Instagram*
  • Used almost equally by males and females*
  • 90% of users are under 30
  • By far the majority of users are aged 14-29 (14-19 is the largest user group)*
  • Use is spread almost equally across metropolitan and regional areas.* 
Industry/business types
As a visually based tool it is best used for creative industries or businesses that can provide interesting visuals. If your target market is 29 or under, particularly under 20 but you are not in a creative industry, you would benefit from creating visual opportunities in your work to engage this audience.
How to use it
The beauty of Instagram is that you don’t need brilliant, or professional images to make an impact, as you can use one of its many filters to spruce up an image. Take photos of visually interesting or entertaining items or people; showcase your products, clients, business or items related to your industry or interests.
If your industry is suited to this visual platform, aim to post images to your Instagram account or share on other platforms around once a day. However take your cues from your followers, as to how often they are engaging with the images. If your Instagram account is not your primary social media account you may like to use it less often, even once a week.
The cat post
Here is an arty vintage-style pic of a me and my cat.
Pinterest is a pinboard-style photo-sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests and hobbies. Users can browse or follow other pinboards for images, ‘re-pin’ images to their own pinboards, or like photos.
It has been credited with having much higher conversion rates than other social media traffic.
User demographics
  • 6% of users of social media use Pinterest*. Usage is growing rapidly.
  • Especially popular among women and mums (11% of female social media users compared to 1% of males*)
  • The majority of users are aged 20-64 (40-49 is the largest user group)*
  • Use is spread almost equally across metropolitan and regional areas.*
Industry/business types
As a visually based tool it is best used for creative industries or businesses that can provide interesting visuals. If your target market is women but you are not in a creative industry, you would benefit from creating visual opportunities in your work to engage this audience.
The most popular categories are food and drink, DIY and crafts, women’s apparel and fashion, home décor and travel. Where possible it’s a great idea to include price on any products you feature.
How to use it
The focus is on beautiful images (mainly of things. People are not usually the focus of the images). Take photos of visually interesting or entertaining items; showcase your products or items related to your industry or interests.
If your industry is suited to this visual platform, aim to post images to your Pinterest account or share on other platforms around once a day. However take your cues from your followers, as to how often they are engaging with the images. If your Pinterest account is not your primary social media account you may like to use it less often, even once a week.
The cat post
A collection of my favourite cat images and cat products.
YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos. Video content includes video clips, TV clips, and music videos, and amateur content such as video blogging, short original videos, instructional and educational videos. There are also dedicated YouTube channels, which can be free to access or available via online subscriptions.
User demographics
  • Usage is spread almost equally across males and females (a slight preference by men)
  • The majority of users are aged under 18 or 45-54-years-old.
Industry/business types
YouTube can suit every business/industry. Due to the popularity and viral nature of YouTube, as well as search engine optimisation benefits, every business should look for opportunities to engage in YouTube.
How to use it
Create instructional, educational or entertaining videos and upload to YouTube. You can film Q&As with a staff member or industry expert. You can film a presentation from a staff member or industry expert. You can provide video on how to use your product. Provide links on social media accounts and on your website.  Depending on your resources, aim to create a new video anywhere between once a week and once a month.
The cat post
Cat playing a piano; An instructional video on how to groom a cat.
Snapchat is a photo messaging application where users take photographs or video ‘snaps’ and set a time limit for how long recipient or group of recipients can view their snaps. After the time limit, the snap will be deleted from the recipient’s device and Snapchat’s servers.
It has received some bad press for it association with users sending inappropriate pictures. However many businesses are embracing it as a valid social media tool, especially for younger demographics.
User demographics
  • The main demographic is 13-23 years of age, followed by 24-30-years-old. 
Industry/business types
This is most suited to industries or businesses that have a teenager or young adult target market. It is extremely popular with younger audiences wanting to share pics and videos with family and friends and not have those images come back to haunt them later.
How to use it
Snapchat offers a sense of urgency, which is appealing to brands and marketers. It can be used to announce contests, offer exclusive or immediate giveaways or discounts, offer a sneak peek at a product or behind the scenes images.
The cat post
Limited time offer to get 50% off cat grooming services.
Other social networks
There are literally hundreds of different social networks to choose from that may be appropriate for your business. Some are industry specific or for niche interests. Some of them may be industry or business directories, such as TrueLocal, that allow for user reviews.
Here are some other popular networks or sites.
  • Tumblr is a microblogging platform particularly popular with teenagers and young adults wanting to express themselves.
  • Myspace has a heavy focus on music and other creative industries.
  • Foursquare uses geolocation to share information on where you are. You can check into places and get offers from business for checking in. Popular with 35-54 year olds. Most appropriate for retail stores, bars, cafes and restaurants.
  • Yelp is a business review site with social networking features, discounts, and mobile applications. It is particularly good for bars, cafes and restaurants and other services
  • TripAdvisor is a travel website providing directory information and reviews of travel-related content. It also includes interactive travel forums. 
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* Yellow Pages Social Media Report 
Kylie Fennell
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One thought on “How to decide which social media network to use

  1. Great post! It is so useful to have the different social media platforms summarised and compared. I've made a few changes to how I use Facebook and I've noticed an increase in engagement with my followers. Thank you so much!

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