10 ways to boost your marketing efforts today

This week I wanted to keep things nice and simple. Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes the simple solutions are the best solutions. So here it is. My top 10 ways you can enhance your business’s marketing. 1.     Have a goal and plan that contributes to your business’s vision – any marketing activities need to directly relate back to …

How are you tracking (your marketing)?

When it comes to marketing, you can be the most brilliant and creative strategist but it may all come to naught if you don’t evaluate your results. Monitoring and evaluation of marketing campaigns and tactics is one of the most overlooked components of any marketing and communication strategy. It is also one of the most important aspects. You need to …

Choose your words carefully ­– picking the right words for marketing

A recent blog by business and marketing blogger Seth Godin about the power of positive words in marketing and customer relations, reminded me of one of my favourite topics – word choice. I am a passionate believer in the power of words: not just any words – the right words. And the most powerful words are positive ones. I am …

What’s your story? Getting your brand story right

In many of my posts I have talked about the importance of establishing a marketing strategy before embarking on individual marketing activities. When developing your marketing strategy you will identify goals and objectives, target markets and how you will reach your key stakeholders. A marketing strategy is without a question a critical tool for your business. It will ensure you …

DIY marketing for small business

“I need a brochure.” As the saying goes: if I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I would be a millionaire by now. Often when businesses think of marketing, the first thing they reach for are marketing tactics or tools. They immediately ask for familiar marketing items like a brochure, an advertisement or a website. Certainly businesses …

How to decide which social media network to use

Many businesses are understandably overwhelmed by which social media networks to use. We’ve talked in the past about how to use social media and that it’s most important to just focus on the best social media network for your target audience. Here to help you decide which social media network to use, is an overview of the main social media …

Marketing vs advertising vs public relations ­– what’s the difference?

When I first set-up this business I needed to create a name that represented exactly what we offered to small businesses. I chose mypr+ There is the ‘pr’ component that focuses on connecting small businesses to their key stakeholders and influencers (mainly through non-paid or low cost means). Then there is the ‘+’ that offers marketing and targeted communication to …

Making SEO work for your business – Website optimisation tips

S–E–O. Three little letters that can land a really BIG punch. SEO (search engine optimisation) is the holy grail when it comes to online marketing – every business wants it, even if they don’t fully understand it or know how to make it possible. Large businesses will often have their own in-house IT and SEO experts or have the budget …

DIY Media release template and writing tips

As a former journalist I often get asked about the best way to gain media coverage. Beyond having a good story or ‘yarn’ in the first place, the biggest favour you can do yourself is to have a well-written media release. Journalists have always been time poor, but they are more busy than ever these days. As a result they …