Shout Out to the Christmas Spirit

Spirit. I could go all deep and meaningful on this word, but today I want to keep things light.

It’s 1 December and as far as I’m concerned it’s the official start of the Christmas season – and celebration of the Christmas spirit.

Yes there’s the Peace On Earth, Good Will Unto all Men kind of Christmas spirit. Love it, high fives to that.

Then there’s a time to spend with family and loved ones. Count me in!

But then there’s the other bits I just LAARVE!

The not so serious things I love about the Christmas spirit are:

  1. Santa Claus – that dude just rocks and I’ll have no arguments from anyone, he is real!
  2. Christmas trees and lights – oh so pretty.
  3. Christmas carols – best sung off tune and as loud as possible.
  4. Christmas movies – classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, funny ones like the Elf, action ones like Die Hard, Kids ones like Polar Express and a little scary ones like Gremlins – don’t care love them all.
  5. Christmas ham – mmmmm……ham.
  6. Pavlova and trifles – delicious any time of year though they taste so much better at Christmas time.
  7. Kids and Christmas – I just love the kick kids get out of Christmas. Their awe and sense of fun is infectious.
  8. Presents – the giving of them, yes the receiving of them (I’m not ashamed to say I like presents). Stocking fillers, Kris Kringle, I’m not fussy. I just love the surprise of it and the warm and fuzzy feeling you get when someone opens a gift from you.

Now I could go on and on about the magic and nostalgia of Christmas but I don’t really have much time as today I have to put the finishing touches on my Christmas trees (yes I have more than one) and deliver a hand-picked gift hamper to a wonderful client.

May the Christmas spirit find you and brighten up your day.

‘Spirit’ is today’s word out of the jar. Read more about my Out of the Jar project here

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Kylie Fennell
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